Sakai Chemical aims to create a sustainable society and actively works toward this goal.
We will describe some of our sustainability initiatives and news.

Environmental and
Social Report 2023

- 2023 Environmental & Social Report (Full version) [ PDF:2.56MB ]
- Editorial Policy・Company Profile [ PDF:368KB ]
- Top message [ PDF:368KB ]
- Materiality and Key Performance Indicators(KPIs) for Sakai Chemical [ PDF:121KB ]
- Building a Transparent and Strong Management System [ PDF:182KB ]
- Commitment to Promoting Human Rights [ PDF:448KB ]
- Making People Happy [ PDF:735KB ]
- Response to Climate Change [ PDF:45KB ]
- Protecting the Global Environment Partners [ PDF:377KB ]
- Solving Social Issues through Manufacturing [ PDF:164KB ]
- Financial Information [ PDF:136KB ]
- Find the Sakai Chemical Group in Your Daily Life [ PDF:787KB ]
Human Rights Initiatives
We all possess an inherent right to ensure safety and freedom, and to live happily as humans. We must not only pursue our own happiness but also consider the happiness of others and live together in harmony. We believe that it is important on this thought of respect for human rights in our business activities, we are pleased to introduce you our various efforts to realize this thought.
For the Conservation of Water and Marine Resources
Products contributing to the replacement of microplastic beads (MPBs)
For example, microplastic beads (MPBs) are used in cosmetics/personal care products rinsed off for exfoliating and feel-improving, and there is concern that MPBs that are washed away cannot be removed by wastewater treatment facilities, flowing into the ocean, where they adversely affect ecosystems. Sakai Chemical's inorganic powder control technology is expected to contribute to solving these problems by spheroidizing (making into a spherical shape) a variety of materials.
Karumaru, LPZINC, CANDY ZINC, and other related products >
Products that contribute to carbon neutrality
Hydrogen is expected to play an active role in the next generation as an important material for achieving a carbon-neutral society. How can we efficiently manufacture, transport, and use it? In manufacturing, we can reduce the use of the precious metal iridium, which has been conventionally used as an anode catalyst in solid polymer-type water electrolysis; in transportation, we can contribute using ammonia, which is expected as a hydrogen carrier, as a synthesis catalyst material; and in use, our conductive titanium dioxide, ENETIA, is about to realize its contribution as an anode catalyst for PEFCs (Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells).
ENETIA series(Conductive Titanium Oxide)
Report on the Yumoto Factory Explosion and Fire
On May 11, 2021, an explosion and fire occurred at our zinc dust manufacturing plant in the Yumoto Factory at the Onahama Manufacturing Site, resulting in a catastrophic accident that seriously injured one person and slightly injured three people. We sincerely apologize, first to those who were injured, as well as to local residents, authorities, and others, for the trouble and concern caused by this accident. We established an Accident Investigation Committee that includes three outside experts to investigate the cause of the accident and formulate measures to prevent a recurrence. In the future, based on the lesson learned from this accident, we will continue to thoroughly implement a safety-first approach in our business activities.